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17 Oct 2022

Ayurvedic Perspective on Daily Water Consumption

Ayurvedic hospital

Soma, the nourishing, cooling quality connected to lunar energy, is represented by water. It promotes healthy digestion, calms and balances Pitta dosha, strengthens Kapha, and tempers Vata's tendency toward dryness. When pee leaves the body, it nourishes, lubricates, and detoxifies as well.

Ayurvedic scriptures advise boiling the water for varying amounts of time to produce ushnodaka, therapeutic water that helps to clear the channels and improve moisture absorption. Another approach is to add herbs or spices to the water after it has boiled. Ancient literature discusses how boiling water absorbs nutrients more quickly than normal water:

Regular water – assuming every channel is clear, it takes around 6 hours

Boiled and cooled water helps open the channels and takes around 3 hours to be absorbed.

Due to the harshness of the Agni and the herbs and spices, hot herbalized water takes around 1 and a Half hours.

Water for Your Body Type

The amount of water you need to consume varies depending on your age, how much physical activity you engage in, the weather, your diet, your level of stress, your use of herbal supplements, and your body type. Typically, the watery Kapha types are less thirsty than the heated Pitta kinds. Vata types need to consume more water because they frequently have constipation or have dry skin. According to Ayurveda, how you choose to drink water has an impact on your health.

The Ayurvedic Approach to Water Consumption:

First, take a seat and sip some water (just as you should sit down when you eat).

Take a sip rather than the entire glass. Inhale, swallow, and sip. Repeat.

Sips of water should be consumed all day long. Your body cannot absorb water if you swallow it all at once. The majority of it simply passes right through you.

The water should be at least at the same temperature as the room. Better is always warmer. Your digestive fire is put out by cold and freezing waters.

Try taking a sip of water after the meal. Your stomach won't have enough room for digestion if you consume too much liquid while eating. Keep in mind that your stomach should be filled with 50% food, 25% water, and 25% space.

Avoid consuming a lot of water before or after meals for the same reason. As previously stated, fill the stomach with 50% food, 25% water, and 25% space.

When you are thirsty, hydrate. You should act on your instinct to become thirsty. Therefore, the body needs water.

We are all varied in terms of amount, with varying sizes, diets, and lifestyles. The eight glasses per day maxim simply does not apply to everyone. Naturally, the incredible human body has its in-built metric system: thirst. To quench your thirst, sip water. You'll get the best bargain if you pay attention to your thirst cues and keep drinking water throughout the day.

Another way to check if your body is adequately hydrated is through your pee. It should be straw-colored and very transparent. It is necessary to drink more if it is dark yellow.

Another clue is your lips. Your body is probably dehydrated if they are dry.

The laws are relatively simple and clear even obvious. They can, however, significantly alter how we feel regularly. The most crucial rule is to pay attention to our eating and drinking habits as well as to our bodies cues. Don't disregard thirst.

Ingredients that can be used to increase the detoxifying effects of water


Drinking water and lemon juice together can assist to purify and balance the body. You can either squeeze the fresh lemon juice into your drink or add one thinly sliced lemon to a big pitcher. Drink it first thing in the morning, then delay eating breakfast for about 30 minutes.

In addition to reducing inflammation and promoting digestion, lemon water also fights viral infections, keeps your skin clear of blemishes, boosts your immune system, and helps you lose weight.


Mint helps with digestion and gives water a hint of sweetness without using sugar.


Cucumber slices make a great addition to water for rehydration. Additionally, it has anti-inflammatory effects.


Ginger has several health advantages. This aids with digestion, stomach settling, and systemic cleansing. Add a few thin slices or a little amount of grated ginger to your water, taste it, and then add more as needed.

Consider it a sacred act, hydrate your body appropriately, and include awareness in your eating and drinking routines. You won't begin to heal the physical body until that time and only then.
