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26 Mar 2018

Feeling hot? These Fruits and Veggies will cool you down!

Ayurvedic hospital

There are many times when the day’s punishing heat seems to almost seep into our systems, affecting not only how hot we feel but also our digestion and overall health. Air conditioners are a short-term solution, but how does one keep the body cool and calm through the day? The secret, my friend, lies in eating the right food!

In the Ayurvedic approach, foods have been studied to have various effects on the regulation of the body’s metabolism and overall temperature, and there are certain fruits and vegetables that have a cooling effect on your body. In Ayurveda, the element known as ‘Pitta’ governs all heat, metabolism and transformation of the mind and body. It controls how we digest foods, how we metabolize our sensory perceptions, and how we discriminate between right and wrong. Pitta governs the important digestive heat of the body.

As the weather around us gets hotter, the body becomes more prone to the imbalances of the ‘pitta’ element - leading to afflictions such as inflammations, infections, skin irritations, hyperacidity, heat rashes, and diarrhoea.

Thankfully, we have the vast knowledge from Ayurveda to help us, and here are the top fruits and vegetables we recommended you add in your diet to keep you cool and fresh!


Aside from being a refreshing summer snack, watermelons are an excellent way to keep cool during the sweltering days. As a rule, the higher the water content in a food, the more likely it will keep your temperature down. As is obvious from its name, the watermelon is over 90% water, which slows down digestion and consumes less energy from the body. Now you have all the more reason to reach for that slice of freshness!


The famous phrase ‘cool as a cucumber’ actually has a deep relevance behind it. With over 95% water content, cucumbers will add that much-needed hydration to your body. Also rich in potassium, minerals and fibre, this vegetable is a must have for so many more reasons as well. You can slice it up or throw it into the blender with some lemon juice for a refreshing drink.


A quick, sweet snack for that extra boost of energy, bananas also have an extremely cooling effect on the body, as it absorbs intestinal heat, while adding moisture and eliminating toxins from the system. They also have a bevvy of other health benefits, such as reducing fatigue and constipation.

Tender coconut:

8. A couple of sips of tender coconut water on a hot day is enough to give you a lease of life! This refreshing drink is not only delicious and full of goodies for your body, but they also have a wealth of cooling properties. Full of minerals and potassium, it also helps clear your body of toxins.


Another delicious fruit with high water content (about 92%) peaches are another cool, seasonal choice to add to your diet. Add to that their high content of vitamins A and C, which keeps your skin supple and young —and at 35-50 calories a fruit, they make the perfect low-calorie snack!

Leafy greens

Leafy delights such as Spinach and Kale work wonders to maintain the health of your system. With high water content (80-95%) and high in fibre, they’re very easy to digest. This means your body doesn’t have to work as hard, saving you energy and keeps you cool.

Do keep these pointers in mind too to keep you cool:

  • Drink six to eight glasses of water per day. In Ayurveda, it is believed that extremely cold or iced drinks extinguish the digestive fire. For best results, it is a good idea to drink fluids that are around room temperature.
  • Avoid foods that are pungent, salty, and sour especially: hot spices (such as cayenne, garlic, dry ginger), breads that contain yeast, fermented foods, caffeine, and alcohol. These foods sap away the water content of your body, causing it to heat up and cause a disbalance.

See, it’s not that difficult, is it? Add these delicious fruits and vegetables to your diet and jump-start your body’s natural air conditioner! Try it for a few weeks and let us know how you felt!
