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17 Mar 2018

Is Coconut Oil Really Healthy?

Ayurvedic hospital

It is a question being asked over and over. Is coconut oil really healthy? So many people are confused because 75% of the fat in coconut oil is saturated, and have probably heard that saturated fat is not good for cholesterol and heart health.

The American Heart Association issued a statement saying that coconut is not a healthy source of fat, because it affects our LDL cholesterol levels.

Unfortunately, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death, but it does not mean that the prime cause is the consumption of saturated fat. One of the most beneficial properties of coconut oil is the large quantity of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA)that it contains, as opposed to the long-chain fatty acids that many other foods contain. The reasoning behind the benefits of this type of acid is that medium-chain fatty acids are not only absorbed easily by the liver, but they are also metabolized quickly. This means they can further be converted into ketones. Ketones are utilized by the brain as an important energy source and have been shown to have possible therapeutic effects on people suffering from memory loss, such as in case of Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, unique phenolic compounds and hormones found in coconut oil may be able to prevent the aggregation of amyloid beta peptides, which are part of a leading theory concerning the cause of Alzheimer’s.

The most abundant fatty acid comprising nearly 50% of the coconut’s fat content in coconut oil is called lauric acid. This acid is especially effective in eliminating a large variety of bacteria by disintegrating their lipid membrane and destroying the organism. Specifically, coconut oil and it’s potent lauric acid can help destroy the bacteria leading to stomach ulcers, dental cavities, and food poisoning. Lauric acid is naturally found in breast milk, which is understandable because newborns need to be highly protected from dangerous infections and pathogens. Additionally, this can increase the levels of HDL, or good cholesterol, reduce inflammation, improve memory and boost the immune system. Coconut oil increases the absorption of endotoxins, a toxin that is present inside a bacterial cell.
